Hey you, kid—the one sitting in the last row of church service, with your head down pretending like you’re praying, but really you’re on your iPhone. You’re in luck.
This youth group is for you. This is church for you!
God is not boring. To every new generation, He’s more alive today than He ever was before. But deep down inside, even though we know this, there are still so many temptations and distractions at school; often times, it’s easy to forget. No worries. We’re here to tell you that God is a God of love. Unconditionally. In the story of the prodigal son, the Father had nothing but love for his kid, no matter how far he strayed away from home. And that’s what we believe youth group should be to a teenager, a home away from home. A place where God’s arms are open wide, no questions asked. Where you don’t feel judged, but are free to just be you. Where your friends hang out and are there for you, supporting you through the hard times. Where you can enjoy the music and understand the Bible on your level, and find a personal relationship with the actual Jesus, not the old guy in the sky you might be feeling guilt tripped into following.
10:30 am - 11:30 am
@ Youth Room