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10:00 am - 11:30 am

(Followed by lunch)

The God of the universe has countless angels before His throne constantly worshiping Him. If He didn’t long for something more, His creation would have stopped there. Instead, we see God’s desire clearly laid out in Matthew 16:18: “I will build My church.” And that’s not merely to serve Him outwardly. Instead, His work throughout the ages has also been to produce a loving bride, a counterpart that matches Him in life and expression. Unfortunately, in the traditional Sunday service, far too often our worship honors God with our lips, but our hearts stay far away from Him (Matt. 15:8). Surely, this isn’t the true worship the Father is seeking. Instead of watching a performance, 1 Cor. 14:26 states that whenever the church comes together, each member should participate resulting in the building up of the whole congregation.


So, here’s what our Sundays look like. We start off by singing contemporary Christian songs and classic hymns to warm our hearts toward God. But in between songs, you’ll notice pauses in worship. These are deliberate in order to allow members in the congregation the freedom to offer up prayer and thanksgiving to God—both quietly and out loud. A minister then shares on a passage from the Bible for about 45 minutes. To conclude the message, we encourage an overflow of short testimonies from the congregation of how the Lord is working in their lives as well as supporting the word spoken that morning. Following the service, lunch is provided so that everyone can stick around and catch up on life. After it’s all over, we feel full—and not just from the meal. We know God a little bit more, are empowered to seek after Him and are refreshed in our love for each other.

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